Monday, May 31, 2010

For the Kids

If anyone is in the Rochester, NY area this weekend, Studio 34 is hosting a bead-making workshop on Friday June 4 from 4-8 PM. We'll be making glass beads to donate to the Beads of Courage program, which awards kids with serious illness a special bead at various milestones in their treatment. I think this is a wonderful program, and Marilynne is terrific for donating torch time for this.

If you're not a bead artist, but still want to lend your support, stop by the studio! You can 'sponsor' a bead with a $5 donation to the cause and watch one of us create a bead of your choice to donate! (But you may want to choose someone more experienced than me for this. These girls are talented!)

Here's to a fun Friday!


1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! That Studio 34 is a fantastic place. I had the privilege of meeting Marilynne recently - love her!
